c/- 74 Buckingham St
Surry Hills NSW 2010
Phone no 0418 290 663
NSW Parliament
The Communist Party of Australia Port
Jackson Branch welcomes this opportunity to submit its suggestions on social,
public, and affordable housing as shelter as this need is peoples’ most
important need after food. The present
situation in NSW is not acceptable as we face a waiting list of 55,000 which
will take more than 15 years to clear and a maintenance system that allows
public housing tenants to live in substandard conditions. The NSW auditor general has found that the
Department is over $330 million behind in its maintenance needs.
The only solution to these problems lie
with the Government not with the private sector and not with Private Public
Partnerships (PPP).
The need for real action on housing can be
seen from the sources from as far removed as Boris Johnson, our own history of
public housing, and the UN.
We draw your attention to the comments of
Boris Johnson the well-known Tory Mayor of London:
angered colleagues by saying he would not tolerate housing
changes that led to "Kosovo-style social cleansing" of London. He
told BBC Radio London:
On my watch, you are not going to see thousands of families
evicted from the place where they have been living and have put down roots...
The last thing we want to have in our city is a situation such as Paris, where
the less well-off are pushed out to the suburbs.
The politics of affordable housing in
London May 17 2011 Economist
In 1944 the Commonwealth Housing Commission said in
its report on housing ‘We consider that a dwelling of good standard and
equipment is not only the need but the right of every citizen…’
The right to live in affordable
housing is enshrined in the United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights which
says in Article 25:
Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health
and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing
and medical care and necessary social services…
Housing all
The Communist Party of Australia supports a
national, publicly funded housing program, with rents based on a set percentage
of the tenant’s income. Without
accommodation people are deprived of their human right to shelter.
We believe government has a responsibility
to provide housing for ordinary families and individuals.
The housing should be solid, secure and
have the fittings for modern 21st Century life eg plumbing, heating
and connections to phone and internet lines.
Maintenance of the housing and measures to encourage residents to take
pride in their housing should be undertaken to make housing estates proud and
happy communities.
Documents state:
housing, which provided rental accommodation for a substantial section of
working people, also reduced the pool of tenants to be exploited by landlords.
Today, public housing no longer serves either of these purposes. Restoration of
substantial public housing would reduce rents generally and provide a buffer
against loss of jobs through retrenchment and sickness for many lower paid
workers. Party program p17
Present Situation
Over the last 30 years both State and
Federal Governments have sought to diminish and do away with public housing following
a neo liberal agenda. The first step in
this process was to do away with Commonwealth Housing Agreement and put the whole
responsibility onto the states. The
states in their turn have allowed what is called ‘demolition by neglect’. Maintenance has been deliberately withheld
and many estates are looking the worse for wear.
The Government has taken on the role of
only being engaged in welfare housing rather than housing itself. Hence the definition of who is to be housed
has been narrowed down to the frail, the sick, the dysfunctional and the
addicted. In this climate housing
estates are a byword for violence and social problems which provides
Governments with a ready excuse for withdrawing from housing altogether. Public Housing is diminishing all over the
country due to these policies.
The private housing sector has benefited by
state schemes which enables those most in need to use the private rental market
by a combination of subsidies and part payment to gain housing. These schemes lead to housing stress. The CPA -PORT JACKSON BRANCH opposes such
schemes and agitates for fully funded public housing.
Housing affordability has fallen to its
lowest level ever, yet over the past decade more than $3 billion was taken out
of public housing.
More than 176,000 households are on waiting
lists for public housing in Australia. It is estimated that by 2020, one
million Australians will be suffering from housing stress.
The CPA -PORT JACKSON BRANCH recognises Public
Housing as the means to house all Australians.
This would bring about jobs in the housing sector both in building, and
other sectors. These housing schemes
would be also increase the public sector jobs.
does not agree in dividing public housing up into social housing, community
housing but will work for an integrated housing scheme where all those on
incomes of $80,000 or lower are eligible for public housing. This will provide a mix of people and not
concentrate people in pockets of disadvantage.
Presently the Governments –
Commonwealth and State spend 6 times on private housing what it spends on
public housing; the CPA -PORT JACKSON BRANCH believes this trend should be
reversed. The money spent on private
housing is money wasted and causes the problems with housing we have today.
believes that the promotion of private housing encourages a class approach to
housing where the rich get accommodation while those on low incomes get shabby
or even precarious shelter. We oppose all
schemes that favour landlords and private housing for the poor.
in bringing the cost of housing down and making it more affordable by
concentrating all housing subsidies and benefits into subsidised housing. This process will reverse the ever upwards
trend in the cost of housing. There are
few houses and even apartments in Sydney which are under $750,000, even what
were formerly moderate costing housing suburbs have become areas where the mean
price of houses is around $1 million.
The committee has to look at the whole spectrum of housing from private
housing to homelessness and everything in between. By just concentrating on social and
affordable housing the chance of real solutions to the problems faced by the citizens
of NSW will not be addressed. The CPA
-PORT JACKSON BRANCH believes its policies will eliminate homelessness and
address the issue of indigenous housing.
Australians living in housing stress in 21st Century is
NSW along with all Australian
states is reporting chronic shortages in Public Housing with waiting lists
going on for years. We believe it is the
responsibility of the Commonwealth Government to engage in more funding for
subsidised housing Australians and expect the other levels of to do the same.
the NSW Government to increase its efforts to get the state of maintenance up
to scratch rather the woeful state it is in at present. All public housing maintenance and upkeep should
be to a level that the tenants are in secure and friendly places.
Large scale public housing will
drive down housing cost making it more affordable and will tackle
homelessness. Support and welfare
services for those who cannot cope with housing has to be provided to ensure
that those who are vulnerable are catered for as well as support services for all
in subsidised housing should also be provided.
Immediate steps
to alleviate the housing shortage
Tax arrangements that allow
negative gearing to be used to build the numbers of private rental properties
should cease, instead investment of funds from super and other sources be
encouraged into the affordable housing sector.
All housing supplied by state
should be called subsidised housing instead of Housing Commission, Public
Housing etc, so as to do away from the stigma of public housing estates. Broaden the range of people in such housing
instead of concentrating fragile and socially disturbed people on isolated
estates which is a recipe for social problems and exacerbating our state’s
social problems.
We further encourage the Government
to stop first home owners buyers schemes which is simply a flow of money into
the coffers of Real Estate and Developers’ Companies.
Those wishing to become private
home owners could start with living in subsidised housing, while they gather
the resources necessary for home ownership.
Housing stress affects 1 in 5
in NSW, the committee should address this issue. Housing stress happens when over 30% of
income goes on accommodation. By
pursuing neo liberal policies this amount stress can only get worse.
There is no
material impediment to Australia adopting once again a large scale commitment
to public housing only the Government’s priorities and its neo liberal
agenda. The Government’s commitment to
the military or funding big business are some of the areas where resources can
be extracted to house all Australians.
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