Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Make a submission to the NSW Housing Inquiry

Send this letter by February 26 in order to get the letter to the Committee by 28th Feb.
copy and paste this item into a word document and send asap
The Director
Select Committee on Social, Public and Affordable Housing
Parliament House
Macquarie St
Sydney NSW 2000

Dear Committee Members,
I/we wish to make it clear to you that the right to live in decent, affordable housing is enshrined in the United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights which says in Article 25: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services…
I/we the undersigned believe that the situation in social and affordable housing in NSW is unacceptable.
With over 55,000 on the waiting list and a maintenance backlog of $330 million, the Government must act now to improve the situation in regard to housing.
The NSW Government must not rely only on tenant’s rents to pay for public housing.
The NSW Government must not cut the maintenance budget but increase it by $330 million.
The NSW Government must encourage the citizens of our state to pressure the Commonwealth to increase funding for housing from $0.8 bill to $2 billion
I/we support
·         A substantial increase in investment to expand public housing stock
·         subsidies to facilitate affordable housing
·         a caveat placed on affordable housing to prevent it from being sold at market rates
·         public housing to be supported by services including health, child minding, family, youth and job support

Name ___________________________________________
Address  _________________________________________
_________________________postcode ________________
Email  ___________________________________________
Phone  __________________________________________
Signature   ________________________________________

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