dear all,
This statement is not mine but has been accepted by many communist parties around the world as being appropriate for this occasion. The Communist Party of Australia endorsed it.
by big Red Den
Let us commemorate 65th Anniversary of the Victory!
On 9 May we commemorate the 65th anniversary of the victory over Nazi-fascism - the most violent and brutal expression of the monopoly domination in a capitalist system in deep crisis – which led humankind to one of the worst catastrophes in its history, with the barbarity of concentration camps and the Second World War’s procession of death and destruction for the peoples.
The communists were in the frontline from the very first moment, mobilising and organising workers and peoples in the resistance. The anti-fascist struggle, to which millions gave their lives, was marked by the firm and determined action of communists.
The heroic contribution of the USSR, of its Red Army and of its people, which suffered around 27 million deaths, was decisive for the victory over the fascist hordes.
It was with the Victory in 1945 and the formation of the socialist camp that millions of men and women undertook their emancipation, freeing themselves from exploitation, oppression and colonialism, with the working class movement winning enormous social and political victories, on a progressive path never before attained in human history.
In the current situation, in a time of capitalism’s deep crisis in which the offensive carried out by several imperialist organisations, like NATO and the EU, is hitting so seriously the toiling masses, humankind is again facing great danger resulting from imperialism’s deepening contradictions, from the arms’ race, from the reinforcement of aggressive military alliances and from the attempt to forcefully impose the brutal increase of exploitation, precariousness in labour relations, dismissals and unemployment, poverty and the negation of the most basic necessities for millions of human beings.
We therefore appeal to the commemoration of the 65 years of the victory over Nazi-fascism, as an important action in the struggle for peace and against the monumental falsification of history and anticommunism – which, as history proves, is always anti-democratic – that, by trying to place fascism and communism on an equal footing and erase the communists’ decisive role in the peoples’ liberation from the yoke of Nazi-fascism, seeks to prosecute, to make illegal and to suppress, not just the actions of the communists but of all democrats who oppose capitalist domination and exploitation, with the purpose of pursuing and repressing all of those who, in any way, resist and fight in an organised manner against monopoly and imperialism.
For us, communists’ evoking the 65 years of the victory is to reaffirm our deep belief in the struggle for social emancipation, in the justice of our values and liberating ideals. It is a reaffirmation of our determination to fight the causes and the forces which were at the root of the fascist horror; we reaffirm our unshakeable confidence that the future does not belong to those who oppress and exploit, but to the workers and peoples who resist and fight for humankind’s emancipation from the shackles of the exploitation and for a society in which the workers fully enjoy the fruits of their labour and in which social progress, peace and welfare prevail. The future belongs not to capitalism, but to socialism and communism.
8th May 2010
The Parties
1. Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
2. Communist Party of Armenia
3. Communist Party of Azerbaijan
4. Communist Party of Australia
5. Communist Party of Belarus
6. Workers Party of Belgium
7. Communist Party of Brazil
8. Communist Party of Canada
9. Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
10. Communist Party of Chile
11. Socialist Workers Party of Croatia
12. Communist Party of Cuba
13. Communist Party in Denmark
14. Communist Party of USA
15. Communist Party of Finland
16. New Communist Party of Britain
17. Communist Party of Britain
18. German Communist Party
19. Unified Communist Party of Georgia
20. Communist Party of Greece
21. New Communist Party of the Netherlands
22. Hungarian Communist Workers Party
23. Communist Party of India (Marxist)
24. Communist Party of India
25. Tudeh Party of Iran
26. Iraqi Communist Party
27. Communist Party of Ireland
28. Communist Party of Israel
29. Communist Party of Kazakhstan
30. Communist Party Kyrgyzstan
31. Lebanese Communist Party
32. Communist Party of Luxembourg
33. Party of the Communists, Mexico
34. Palestinian Peoples Party
35. Communist Party of Pakistan
36. Peruan Communist Party
37. Philippine Communist Party (PKP-1930)
38. Portuguese Communist Party
39. Communist Party of Poland
40. Communist Party of the Russian Federation
41. Union of Communist Parties - CPSU – Russia
42. South African Communist Party
43. Communist Party of Spain
44. Party of the Communists of Catalonia
45. Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
46. Syrian Communist Party
47. Communist Party of Sweden
48. Labour Party (EMEP) Turkey
49. Communist Party of Ukraine
50. Communist Party of Venezuela
Monday, May 10, 2010
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