Wednesday, September 9, 2009

General Rave about Social Media for the party

Social Networking


We need to understand and use social networking as a tool in our communication with others and between ourselves. Below is an argument to encourage as many as possible of our comrades to be part of social networking. Please take the time to consider the points here and to open an account with twitter.

Quotes from a small course on Social Media

‘The early internet became a grass roots movement- that was the most exciting thing, not the technology but the community, the spirit, all these people getting together and sending emails. That’s what it was like then, and right now it’s like that again.’ Tim Berners-Lee (the man credited with starting the internet)

About 6.5 million Australians belong to at least one online social media network, and two-thirds of internet users looked at other peoples content on social networking sites during 20098 says a recent Nielson Online survey. And its still growing –fast.

Web 1.0 was about ‘one-to many’ passive communication (eg through websites). Web 2.0 is about ‘many-to-many’ communication (through social media) where users also create content. Now we can all create stuff, share and communicate together online.

There is an extensive list of things we can do with social media but listed here are the things we as communists in 2009 could do with it.

Marketing- showing the world we are around and want people to take notice of us.

Community action

Citizen journalism


Common interests

Whatever you want

Everyone is talking about social media to mention just a few: CPUSA, the Boss Magazine of the Australian Financial Review, the inflight magazine for Virgin.

There are many tips and rules that are floating around one source of these are:

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